Thursday, July 12, 2012

The LWBs are here! (an adventure in urban foraging)

As a lifelong Washingtonian, the delicacy known as the "Little Wild Blackberry" holds a special place in my heart. As kids, my brother and I would hunt for them each July and emerge with limbs full of scratches, stained fingers, and purple teeth. But oh, was it worth it! Of course, at the time, we didn't know that this humble little berry had turned into a culinary darling, commanding prices of $50 a gallon and up. All we knew was that they were insanely delicious, and unlike any other berry out there. So, each year since, I've staked out patches around our neighborhood and scratched the living #@$% out of myself trying to pick as many as I could before the short season ends.

Last night, armed with the plastic baggie I always keep in my pocket this time of year, I managed to find about a pint of berries while walking the dogs around the neighborhood. The season is just starting, but this small harvest provided enough berries to make some delicious Wild Blackberry Muffins. If you're not wishing you were at my house right should be.

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